Filament Winding Machine

  • How to make CNG Composite Cylinder?

At the heart of the manufacturing process lies the CNG Composite Cylinder Filament Winding Machine. This state-of-the-art equipment plays a pivotal role in producing these innovative cylinders. It can  ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

The CNG Composite Cylinder Filament Winding Machine utilizes advanced Filament Winding technology to create a seamless and uniform structure. It begins by precisely aligning the carbon fiber strands in a predetermined pattern. The machine then applies a specialized epoxy resin, evenly distributing it across the fibers, ensuring a strong bond between the materials.

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  • Feature of Filament Winding Machine:

One of the key features of this machine is its ability to control the Filament Winding tension. This ensures that the carbon fibers are uniformly and tightly wound, optimizing the strength and structural integrity of the final product. Additionally, the machine allows for adjustable Winding angles, enabling manufacturers to tailor the cylinder’s mechanical properties to specific requirements.

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To guarantee the safety of CNG cylinders, this machine incorporates a curing process. The newly wound cylinders are placed in an autoclave, where heat and pressure are applied to facilitate the resin’s solidification. This step significantly enhances the cylinder’s mechanical properties and ensures it can withstand high-pressure conditions encountered during CNG storage and transportation.

This Machine also emphasizes efficiency and productivity. It features automated controls and precision mechanisms that streamline the production process. With minimal human intervention, manufacturers can achieve consistent and high-volume production, meeting the growing demand for CNG cylinders in various industries.

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Furthermore, the machine incorporates safety measures to protect both the operators and the cylinders. Sensors and alarms are available to monitor critical parameters during the winding and curing process such as:

  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Tension

This ensures that any deviations from the predefined specifications are detected promptly, preventing potential defects or failures.

In conclusion, this Machine is an advanced piece of equipment that revolutionizes the production of CNG composite cylinders. By employing cutting-edge technology, it ensures the creation of high-quality cylinders that meet stringent safety standards. With its precise Filament Winding capabilities, adjustable parameters, and efficient operation, this machine plays a vital role in meeting the growing demand for CNG as a clean and sustainable energy source.

Here is the running video of our CNG composite cylinder filament winding machine:

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